Describe your experience about moving to a new school or house

Describe your experience about moving to a new house

Hello gang, Today we are back with another tricky cue card named “Describe your experience about moving to a new school or house”. Describe your experience about moving to a new house When you moved? Why you moved? Where you moved? How you felt about it? Introduction Though it is very seldom when someone moves … Read more

IELTS reading True False Practice

IELTS reading True False Practice

Five minute reading practice Haunted House “The SpookVille” Paragraph : – In the early 19th in there was quite a trend of urban legends based on monsters and ghosts. Thus, the artificial haunted houses for entertainment were too spreading at a high pace. Spookville earn high popularity in those days. This haunted house was located … Read more

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend.

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend

Hello guys, some of our visitors asking for simple sample answers to this cue card. We would discuss a sample answer of “Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend.” Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend. What gift you would like to buy?Who you would like to … Read more

2022 IELTS speaking cue cards 2022 for January to April


Most expected cue cards 2022 IELTS January to April Welcome back guys, Today we are gonna share some other revealed cue cards which most probably will ask by Examiner. So without any further Ado prepare some ideas on which you can speak about. Here are latest cue cards 2022. So here is the List:- Describe … Read more

IELTS latest 2022 cue cards January to April

Cue cards jan to april 2022 with sample answers I know guys you are all really excited about preparing the latest cue cards for your IELTS Exam. I would like to share some new topics which are already asked by examiners to a few students and Guesswork. Here are IELTS latest 2022 cue cards January … Read more

Describe the time when you had to sing a song or a poem in front of the public.

Describe the time when you had to sing a song or a poem in front of the p

Describe the time when you had to sing a song or a poem in front of the public. Sample Answer 1:- You should say-Where were you?-What did you sing?-How did you feel? Promoting a confident outlook among school-going children has become a common fashion for many schools, globally. Here I would like to talk about … Read more

Cue cards latest 2021-22 with sample answers

Jan to April cue cards 2022 with sample answers 1. Describe a time you got lost in a place you did not know about. You should say:-When did it happen?-Who was with you?-What did you do?-How did you feel about it? Sample Answer:- Well, I’m an individual who has a good memory and I don’t … Read more

IELTS Cue cards you would love to speak about

latest ielts cue cards

Outstanding sample answers of cue cards 1. Describe a time you bought something from a street or outdoor market – You should say – When it was – Where the market was – What you bought -And how you felt about it Sample Answer: – I am a shopping freak, and even sometimes do impulsive … Read more

Cue Cards Sep to Dec 2021 new with Sample Answers

Cue cards with Sample Answers

Cue cards with Sample Answers 1. Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member. You should sayWhen did it happen?Who is this person?What did the person do?And explain why you felt proud of him/her. Sample Answer:- Well, there were so many people in my acquaintance while I was in primary school. Some … Read more